Madame Hortense
W100/ H94 cm
C-Print on Dibond Unique signed photographic print with Acrylic paint
Edition N° 1/1 - 2022 Almost invisible metal frame/ diasec
Midnight Tale
Bamboos are the fastest-growing plants on Earth, with growth rates up to 910mm in 24 hours
Part of the Fata Morgana expo 2020 C-Print on Dibond Edition N° 1/1 -
unique signed photographic print -wooden frame Anti-reflection Museum Glass 99% UV-Protected
is a major female character and the storyteller in the Middle Eastern collection of tales,
known as the One Thousand and One Nights.
W120/H90 cm
Part of the Fata Morgana expo 2020 C-Print on Dibond Edition N° 1/1 -
unique signed photographic print -wooden frame Anti-reflection Museum Glass 99% UV-Protected
Gypsophila also known as baby's breath
Part of the Fata Morgana expo 2020 C-Print on Dibond Edition N° 1/1 -
unique signed photographic print with acrylic 2020 - Almost invisible metal frame.
The sand in your palm comes from the hardest rock.
But it was grounded by the softest waves.
Part of the Fata Morgana expo 2020 C-Print on Dibond Edition N° 1/1 -
unique signed photographic print with acrylic 2020 - Almost invisible metal frame.
Celosia Argentea
W100/ H78 cm
C-Print on Dibond - Unique signed photographic print with Acrylic paint , Chines ink and Gold leaf
Edition N° 1/1 -
Part of the "la beauté se partage" expo 2024
Almost invisible metal frame/diasec
W91/ H80cm
C-Print on Dibond - Unique signed photographic print with Acrylic paint , Chinese ink
Edition N° 1/1 -
Almost invisible metal frame/diasec
Hydrangea Macrophylla
W100/ H59 cm
C-Print on Dibond Unique signed photographic print with Acrylic paint
Edition N° 1/1 - 2023Almost invisible metal frame/ diasec
Shadow 3
W100/ H80 cm
C-Print on Dibond Unique signed photographic print with Acrylic paint and Chinese ink
Edition N° 1/1 - 2023Almost invisible metal frame/ diasec
W100/ H73 cm
C-Print on Dibond Unique signed photographic print with Acrylic paint
Edition N° 1/1 - 2022 Almost invisible metal frame/ diasec
Shadow 1
W95/ H76 cm
C-Print on Dibond Unique signed photographic print with Acrylic paint and chinese ink
Edition N° 1/1 - 2022 Almost invisible metal frame/ diasec
W100/ H76 cm
C-Print on Dibond Unique signed photographic print with Acrylic paint
Edition N° 1/1 - 2022 Almost invisible metal frame/ diasec
W83/H 87cm
C-Print on Dibond Unique signed photographic print with Acrylic paint and gold leaf
Edition N° 1/1 - 2023 Almost invisible metal frame/ diasec
A rock in the river in the Belgian Ardens
W135/H97 cm
Part of the Fata Morgana expo 2020 C-Print on Dibond Edition N° 1/1 -
unique signed photographic print with acrylic and gold leaf 2020 - Almost invisible metal frame.
An average snowflake is made up of 180 billion water molecules and swirls down at about 5 km/h.
C-Print on Dibond Unique signed photographic print with Acrylic paint .
Edition N° 1/1 - 2022 Almost invisible metal frame/ diasec
Into the woods
Carefree dreaming about a happy future
W100/H76 cm
C-Print on Dibond Unique signed photographic print with Acrylic paint and gold leaf
Edition N° 1/1 - 2022 Almost invisible metal frame/ diasec